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HexFiend v2.14.0b1

Fernando Mercês

Posts Recomendados

  • Hex Fiend is built as a universal binary for native ARM support on Apple Silicon Macs (experimental)
    • 80-bit floats in the data inspector are currently disabled as they rely on Intel instruction
  • The default alternating row color in light mode is now the system color, like dark mode
    • To use the classic blue color, run in Terminal: defaults write com.ridiculousfish.HexFiend UseBlueAlternatingColor -bool true
  • The binary templates view can be resized by holding down the Command key when resizing the window. The manual size field in Preferences has been removed
  • Add an informative "Welcome" popover when Binary Templates are first shown
  • Binary template column state is now saved and restored
  • Allow the Binary data inspector to be editable
  • Add an experimental read-only Binary view
  • Improve 4 and 8-bit decimal formatting (thanks @wader)
  • Add a "Show in Template" feature which selects the deepest template node for a given position (thanks @wader)


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