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ILSpy 7.0 Preview 3


Posts Recomendados


  • Detect use of csc /deterministic switch
  • Update Ready2Run (see #2279 by @cshung)
  • #2286: Enable server-mode GC in ILSpy
  • Improve assembly resolver API to allow async usage

UI Improvements

  • Search enabled in NuGet packages
  • Enable theming for message boxes (see #2276 by @AustinWise)

Bug fixes

  • #2278: Implement support for CSharpBinderFlags.InvokeSimpleName
  • #2280: Add additional checks to GenerateVariableName
  • #2275: Fix exception when assembly does not contain proper MetadataVersion.
  • #2260: Fix switch(string) transform: handle empty cases where the C# compiler optimizes out the if
  • #2288: Fix decompilation of nullable lifting in expression trees (by @wwh1004)
  • And many other fixes, for a full list click here.


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