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Windows Terminal v1.4.3243.0


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This is a quick servicing release to address a couple glaring issues in the 1.4 stable release.

A preinstallation kit is available for system integrators and OEMs interested in prepackaging Windows Terminal with a Windows image. More information is available in the DISM documentation on preinstallation. Users who do not intend to preinstall Windows Terminal should continue using the msixbundle distribution.

Bugs fixed in this release:

  • We reverted the tab switcher to off by default, because we changed your defaults on you so that tab switching was both enabled and in most-recently-used order. I'm sorry about that. (#8325)
    • To turn the switcher back on, in MRU order, add the global setting "useTabSwitcher": true.
  • We'd previously said the default value for backgroundImageStretch was uniformToFill, but it was actually fill. We've updated the code to make it uniformToFill. (#8280)
  • The tab switcher used to occasionally eat custom key bindings and break, but @Don-Vito came through and helped it not do that. Thanks! (#8250)


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